Shamrock 303i

The Shamrock SR-303i is a fully automated high throughput flat field imaging triple grating turret spectrograph optimized for use with Andor’s line of EMCCD, CCD, and ICCD spectroscopy detector systems.
Shamrock 193i

Andor’s Shamrock 193i spectrograph has been designed with research-grade performance, versatility and ease of use in mind. The ‘intelligent’ motorized adaptive focusing allows access to the very best spectral resolution performance in any configuration with un-matched repeatability.
HoloSpec F/1.8 Imaging Spectrograph

The new Andor HoloSpec is the ideal solution for collecting more light and achieving better signal-to-noise ratio faster, which is critical for applications such as micro-Raman mapping, microfluidics, real-time medical diagnosis (point-of-care analyzers) or stand-off bacteriologic agents or explosives detection.
Optosplit II

The Optosplit II image splitter is a simple and elegant device for dividing an image into two separate, spatially equivalent, components that can be displayed side by side on a single camera chip.

Andor’s TuCam is a new generation two-camera adapter for macro or microscopic imaging applications. Available in C- or CSUX-mount, TuCam features include large aperture, exceptional transmission, very low distortion and high precision alignment using kinematic cassettes